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An adopted youth got into drugs. I saw the horror of it. So on September 21, 2015, my husband and I started to gather the youth in our neighborhood in Mahunig, Gasan, Marinduque. I do not want to just pass this life without getting any real conversation with the youth in our own neighborhood in my hometown.

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Rosary Trust is working to improve the lives of the poor in Tamil Nadu. It is running a home for 70 destitute persons who include aged and persons with different disabilities

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Im Zentrum des Projekts liegt ein Sarovar, ein ovales Wasserbecken, umgeben von vier Eckgebäuden. Das Gebäude inmitten des Wassers trägt beispielhaft die Symbole von Gurdawaras, Mandirs, Moscheen und Kirchen. 

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The Community Outreach Program of the Ashraya Initiative for Children (AIC) supports ongoing intervention efforts to resolve core problems associated with poverty in our community.

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We are still at the very beginning with this portal and so there are a number of categories without corresponding contributions (articles). Take advantage of the chance to be among the first to introduce your project here. If you wish, you can submit your entry (text) directly via an online form, or simply by e-mail.

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In der Kirpal-Sagar-Bibliothek werden Die spirituellen und ethischen Grundlagen behandelt, die notwendig sind, um wieder eine direkte innere Erfahrung der Kraft zu erhalten, die alles Leben verbindet.

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We are still at the very beginning with this portal and so there are a number of categories without corresponding contributions (articles). Take advantage of the chance to be among the first to introduce your project here. If you wish, you can submit your entry (text) directly via an online form, or simply by e-mail.